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Itinerant Counseling Class

Organizations / 2024-08-26 / Count: 49

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  1. Individualized Education Program (IEP) Development and Implementation

    • Collaborate with professional teams and parents to develop Individualized Education Programs (IEP) for students with special needs based on their requirements.
    • Regularly review and update students’ IEPs to ensure timely adjustments to their learning goals.
    • Monitor the implementation of IEPs to ensure that teachers and relevant personnel follow the plans.
  2. Identification and Placement of Special Education Students

    • Assist parents and teachers in understanding students’ special needs and conduct relevant identification processes.
    • Arrange suitable educational environments and resources to ensure students receive the necessary support.
    • Collaborate with the education bureau or professional teams to handle identification and placement matters.
  3. Support Systems and Assistive Resources Management

    • Evaluate the assistive devices needed by students with special needs, assist in applying for and providing usage guidance.
    • Ensure the proper use and maintenance of assistive devices and related resources, helping students apply them in daily learning.
    • Manage special education resource classes and related equipment to ensure students can smoothly engage in learning activities.
  4. Coordination of Special Education Teachers and Assistants

    • Arrange and coordinate the work of special education teachers and related assistants to ensure teaching support is in place.
    • Assist in collaborative teaching between special education teachers and general teachers, promoting cross-departmental cooperation to enhance teaching effectiveness.
    • Regularly review the professional development needs of special education teachers and assist in further education or professional training.
  5. Curriculum and Assessment Adaptation

    • Adapt the curriculum based on the abilities and needs of students with special needs, providing individualized learning content.
    • Design suitable assessment tools and adjust testing methods to match students’ learning characteristics.
    • Regularly discuss students’ learning progress with teachers and adjust teaching strategies.
  6. Parent Communication and Support

    • Regularly communicate with parents about students’ learning progress and needs, enhancing home-school cooperation.
    • Assist parents in understanding special education policies and related resources, providing consultation and advice.
    • Arrange for parents to participate in relevant workshops and seminars to improve their understanding and support of special education students.
  7. Student Psychological Counseling and Behavior Management

    • Provide psychological counseling and behavior adjustment plans for students with special needs, helping them adapt to school life.
    • Collaborate with counselors to develop suitable behavior management strategies to improve students’ school adaptation issues.
    • Assist in handling emergencies involving students with special needs, providing crisis management and follow-up support.
  8. Professional Team Collaboration

    • Collaborate with special education professional teams (such as psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists) to jointly develop and implement students’ learning plans.
    • Regularly hold cross-professional team meetings to review students’ development progress and conduct professional discussions and decision-making.
  9. Transition Meetings

    • Organize transition meetings to assist students with special needs in transitioning from preschool to elementary school or from elementary to middle school.
    • Communicate with parents, teachers, professionals, and relevant schools during the meetings to develop transition plans, ensuring students receive necessary support in the new learning stage.
    • Confirm the appropriateness of educational environments, assistive devices, and support services during the transition process and monitor students’ adaptation.
    • Provide transition counseling for parents and students to help them adapt to the new educational stage.
  10. Special Education Document Management

    • Establish and manage individualized education plans and related documents for special education students, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity.
    • Regularly update students’ learning records as a basis for evaluation and adjustment.
    • Maintain communication with the education bureau and related units, submitting required reports and documents.
  11. Special Education Advocacy and Promotion

    • Conduct advocacy and promotion of special education within the school, ensuring all staff and students understand and respect students with special needs.
    • Organize relevant lectures or activities to enhance the school’s understanding and support of special education.
    • Promote the concept of inclusive education, creating an accepting and supportive campus environment for students with special needs.
  12. Implementation of Special Education Regulations and Policies

    • Ensure that the school’s special education work complies with relevant regulations and policy requirements.
    • Regularly participate in special education meetings organized by the education bureau or other institutions, updating policy information and implementing it in school practices.
  13. Other Temporary Assigned Tasks

    • Assist the principal and other departments in handling temporarily assigned special education-related tasks.

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